Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Miss Graham Goes to Washington

I finally made it! I’m officially moved and settled into my new (although temporary) residence in Washington D.C. My sweet mom and wonderful sister drove me and all my belongings up from Alabama last Friday and Saturday. All 11 hours. We had a great time though so the trip didn’t seem too long. 

I knew my place was going to be close to Capitol Hill but I didn’t realize how close! As in I live directly across the street from the Senate building, a block away from the Supreme Court and two blocks away from the Capitol in one direction and the Library of Congress in the other. I look out my window and look into the office of the Hart building. Somehow I’m going to find out which senators those offices belong to. 

I’ve only been exploring the city for 2 days now but I’ve already learned a lot.  The metro is great and super easy to use…as long as you know which direction you need to go. Ha, I’m learning. Also the city moves at a faster pace but it takes longer to get things done. Take going to the grocery store for example. At home I would get in my car, drive six or seven minutes, arrive at the store, buy what I need and then drive home. Depending on how sidetracked I got or how many other stops determined how long a simple trip would take. Here, I walk to the metro station, ride to a second station where I transfer trains, ride to a third station, get off and walk to the store, figure out what is worth carrying back, and repeat the process for going home.  So it takes a lot longer to accomplish a simple task but I’m sure once I’m here for a few more weeks I’ll figure out how to better plan my days and budget my time. 

I’m also on a new diet. It’s called living in the city and walking everywhere. It’s a new experience and so far I love it. You don’t feel as guilty about stopping to get lunch when you know you’re going to possibly walk a mile to get there and back, if not more. 

Another thing that is different about DC as opposed to Alabama is the temperature and weather. Obviously it snowed here yesterday and didn’t back home but the temperatures feel different. I guess it has to do with the lack of moisture in the air but 35 degrees isn’t so bad here. In Alabama when its 35 degrees it feels like 23. Here, it feels like 35 I guess. Not nearly as bad, I shed my top layer as soon as I got outside. Of course, it could also be all that walking I’m doing. Anyway, I’m not shivering and hiding under a fort of blankets like I thought I would be. 

Tomorrow I meet my supervisors and have my first day of class. Then Thursday I have my first day of work. I can’t wait to see what my typical day will be like and meet some of my clients! 

Oh, and I have to end this with a huge ROLL TIDE ROLL! So proud of our boys for bringing home #14. In a shutout no less! Best defense in the history of Alabama? I think quite possibly so. Although I’m sure Gene Stallings would disagree with me. He’s pretty fond of the ’92 group. That’s it for now. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!


  1. I said this on Twitter, but really, taking a backpack to the grocery store helps tremendously. When I didn't have my car for a few semesters of college I had to either walk a mile to the closest grocery store or take the bus to their equivalent of a Super Walmart / Target. Between a backpack and a bag in each hand, I usually didn't have any problems getting my things home. :)

  2. Thanks for the tip! I've seen a lot of backpacks walking around so that's probably what I need to start doing. Luckily I don't have to buy very much at the grocery store.
